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Pharmacy Residency Curriculum


Our approach 

The primary focus of the residents’ training is providing pharmacy services to hospital inpatients. The program is composed of 9 required rotations/learning experiences. Residents may choose to repeat required rotations in place of some of the elective options depending on interest.

The following Rotations are required curriculum:

Learning Experience Rotations (required)

Longitudinal Experiences (required)

Curriculum Electives




In addition, each resident will have longitudinal experiences that will include participation on various committees including the Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee and the Medication Safety Committee.

Residents are expected to attend the ASHP Midyear Clinical meeting and the Eastern States Residency Conference where they will present their residency project.

Residents will also have the opportunity to learn to precept APPE and IPPE pharmacy students.

Each resident will be required to fulfill a service requirement equivalent to one eight hour shift per week.

Optional Residency Teaching and Learning Curriculum Program in conjunction with Shenandoah University.