In accordance with federal guidelines, Centra College acknowledges the following:
- Centra College signed and returned to the Department of Education the Certification and Agreement and the assurance that the institution has used, or intends to use, no less than 50% of the funds received under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act to provide emergency financial aid grants to students.
- Centra College received $114,790.00 in CARES Act funding from the department pursuant to the institution’s Certification and Agreement [for] Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students.
- The College distributed $114,788.88 of emergency financial aid grants to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act as of October 1, 2021.
- Centra College received an additional $654,422 in funding under Section 314 of the CRRSA Act (HEERF II) and Section 2003 of the ARP Act (HEERF III) for emergency financial aid grants to students.
- The College has distributed a total of $769,216.88 of HEERF I, II, and III emergency financial aid grants to students as of January 13, 2022.
- Centra College received $1,140,658 from the department pursuant to the institution's Certification and Agreement [for] COVID-19 Institution Education Expense Relief.
- Centra has continued to pay all its employees and contractors during the coronavirus outbreak period, despite disruptions and closures to the greatest extent practicable in accordance with Section 18006 of the CARES Act.